HB Modelling 是一个强大的 Cinema 4D 脚本合集可替代多个插件


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HB Modeling Bundle是一套超过70个用于3D模型的Cinema 4D脚本。这些脚本旨在通过减少点击次数和减少鼠标移动来节省您的时间并改善您的工作流程。
- HB_Move (带有额外设置移动工具)
- HB_ModellingCamera (在所选组件和正交相机上创建本地工作平面)
- HB_ModelMode (进行一些设置并切换到模型模式)
- HB_LoopSelection (可以循环选择)
- HB_Lineup (选取线边缘)
- HB_LoopCut (切刀工具可以循环边切割)
- HB_KnifePath (切刀工具可以路径切割)
- HB_KnifeLine (切刀工具可以线性切割)
- HB_Instancer (在引用最后一个选定对象时,使实例选定对象)
- HB_GuidesColor (更改颜色到所有网格对象)
- HB_GroupSymmetry (使当前选定的对象在局部或全局空间中对称)
- 好像只能是基于YZ面上对称
- HB_Group (将每个选定的对象分组为null)
- HB_FastViewport (加速视窗并还原旧设置)
- 就是切换着色模式
- 按住Ctrl或Shift可以连材质都没有
- HB_EvenDistribution (均匀分布选定边的点)
- 按住Ctrl可以输入”影响半径”
- HB_Divider (更改所有对象的细分参数或重置设置)
- HB_Delete (删除对象或组件的6个不同模式)
- HB_Delete(删除)
- Shift+HB_Delete(可删除对象子集)
- Ctrl+HB_Delete(相当于消除线)
- HB_DefaultCamera (使用默认编辑相机并调整设置)
- 7 Clone Scripts (沿轴线克隆多边形并无缝对齐)
- HB_CleanView (切换窗口过滤器以仅查看相关项目)
- 就是隐藏掉窗口过滤器中的网格坐标等参考物件
- HB_CenterCut (在边缘的中心做循环切割)
- 按住Shift可以看到五个吸附点
- 4 Brush scripts (用于更改画笔设置)
- 8 Snapping scripts (更容易设置捕捉设置)
- HB_Namer (轻松重命名视口中的对象)
- HB_Paste (在鼠标位置粘贴对象并与曲面法线对齐)
- HB_PathSelection (路径选择工具)
- HB_PhongSelection (选择(Phong)断开)
- HB_PipeIt (点击进行扫描)
- HB_Retopo (轻松设置对象进行重新拓扑)
- HB_Rotate (带有额外设置旋转工具)
- HB_Rotator (将物体旋转90度或重置PSR)
- HB_RoundEdge (选择平滑边缘)
- HB_SnapToSpline (将边缘选择捕捉到样条曲线)
- HB_Scale (带有额外设置的缩放工具)
- HB_SelectionMaker (多边形选择)
- HB_SelectSame (选择相同类型或相同点数的对象)
- HB_SetPhong (设置所选对象的(phong)角度)
- HB_SmoothEdge (多边形对象的贝塞尔变形器设置)
- HB_Solo (隔离对象或多边形并选择框架)
- HB_SymmetryFix (对称平面附近的中心点固定对称孔)
- HB_SymmetryMaker (删除一半成为对称对象的子集)
- 好像只能是基于YZ面上删除对称
- HB_ToggleMode (切换点/边/多边形之间的模式等)
- HB_ToggleSoftselection (切换软选择)
- HB_ToggleVisibility (切换所选对象的可见性)
- HB_TransformRepeat (重复上一个建模命令)
- HB_MaterialOverwrite (覆盖视窗中的材质) New in v2.1
- HB_SelectionToCircle (环形点排列) New in v2.1
- HB_Relax (松弛点并保持边界) New in v2.1
- HB_MakeQuads (使用四边形封顶并修复错误的拓扑) New in v2.2
- HB_ClipSymmetry (设置一个特殊的对称模式) New in v2.2
- HB_ConvertSymmetry (将修剪对称性转换回多边形) New in v2.2
- HB_ZoomCamera (特殊相机专注于渲染区域) New in v2.2
- HB_SendToRenderQueue (将当前文件发送到渲染队列) New in v2.2
- 实时实用程序着色器
- 默认的对象和工具
- 建模场景模板
- Bluenight 配色方案
- C4D 模型配色方案
- 模型视窗材质
- 建模布局
- 带有视频链接的帮助文档
What’s Included?
HB Modelling Bundle is a set of over 70 Scripts for Cinema 4D dedicated to 3D-Modelling.The scripts are designed to save you time and improve your workflow by using less clicks and less mouse movement.
- HB_Move (Move tool with extra settings)
- HB_ModellingCamera (creates a local work plane on the selected components and an orthogonal Camera)
- HB_ModelMode (makes some settings and toggles to model mode)
- HB_LoopSelection (makes loop selections)
- HB_Lineup (line up selected edges)
- HB_LoopCut (Knife tool set up to make loop cuts)
- HB_KnifePath (Knife tool setup to make path cuts)
- HB_KnifeLine (Knife tool setup to make line cuts)
- HB_Instancer (make instances selected objects while the last selected is referenced)
- HB_GuidesColor (change the colour of all guide objects)
- HB_GroupSymmetry (make current selected objects symmetrical in local or global space)
- HB_Group (group each selected object under a null)
- HB_FastViewport (speedup the viewport and restore old settings)
- HB_EvenDistribution (evenly distribute points of selected edges)
- HB_Divider (change subdivisions of any parametric object or reset settings)
- HB_Delete (6 different modes to delete objects or components)
- HB_DefaultCamera (use the default editor camera and adjust settings)
- 7 Clone Scripts (clone polygons along an axis and align without gaps)
- HB_CleanView (toggle viewport filters to see only relevant items)
- HB_CenterCut (make loop cuts in the centre of edges)
- 4 Brush scripts (for changing Brush settings)
- 8 Snapping scripts (easier setup of snapping settings)
- HB_Namer (easily rename objects in the Viewport)
- HB_Paste (pastes objects at mouse position and aligns to surface normal)
- HB_PathSelection (sets up the Path selection tool)
- HB_PhongSelection ( sets up Phong break selection)
- HB_PipeIt (one click Sweep setup)
- HB_Retopo (easily setup an object for retopology)
- HB_Rotate (Rotate tool with extra settings)
- HB_Rotator (rotate objects 90 degree or reset PSR)
- HB_RoundEdge (smooths out edge selections)
- HB_SnapToSpline (snap edge selections to a spline)
- HB_Scale (Scale tool with extra settings)
- HB_SelectionMaker (make polygon selections)
- HB_SelectSame ( Select objects of the same type or same point count)
- HB_SetPhong (set the phong angle of selected objects)
- HB_SmoothEdge (a bezier deformer setup for polygon objects)
- HB_Solo (isolates objects or polygons and frames the selection)
- HB_SymmetryFix (centre points near the symmetry plane to fix symmetry holes)
- HB_SymmetryMaker (deletes half and parents under a Symmetry object)
- HB_ToggleMode (toggles modes between points/edges/Polygons and more)
- HB_ToggleSoftselection (toggles soft selection)
- HB_ToggleVisibility (toggles visibility of selected objects)
- HB_TransformRepeat (repeats the last modelling command)
- HB_MaterialOverwrite (Overwrite materials in the Viewport) New in v2.1
- HB_SelectionToCircle (Arrange points in a Circleshape) New in v2.1
- HB_Relax (Relax points and keep border) New in v2.1
- HB_MakeQuads (Close Caps with Quads and fix bad topology) New in v2.2
- HB_ClipSymmetry (setup a special symmetry-mode) New in v2.2
- HB_ConvertSymmetry (convert ClipSymmetry back to polygons) New in v2.2
- HB_ZoomCamera (Special Camera to focus on areas for rendering) New in v2.2
- HB_SendToRenderQueue (Send current file to Render Queue) New in v2.2
- Realtime Utility shaders
- Defaults for Objects and Tools
- Template Modelling Scene
- Bluenight Color Scheme
- Modo Color Scheme for C4D
- Modo Viewport Material
- Modelling Layout
- Extensive Documentation with Videolinks